Every year August 6th marks a great day of importance in the world history. The Hiroshima day marks the anniversary of the attack of atomic war by US in Japan. The importance of remembering this day is to spread the message of international peace and cooperation among countries. The famous white cranes made by a victim during the treatment in the hospital after being injured form the war, marked the symbol for peace. On Monday 6 August 1945 a new era in human history opened. After years of intensive research and experiment, conducted in their later stages mainly in America, by scientists of many nationalities, Japanese among them, the sources which hold together the constituent particles of the atom had at last been harnessed to man’s use; and on that day man used them. By a decision of the American military authorities, made, it is said in defiance on the pre-test of many of the scientists who had worked on the project, an atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. As a direct result about 60,000 Japanese men, women and children were killed, and 100,000 injured; and almost the whole of a great seaport, a city of 250,000 people, was destroyed by blast or by fire. As an indirect result, a few days later, Japan acknowledged defeat and the Second World War came to an end. For many months little exact and reliable news about the details of the destruction wrought by the first atomic bomb reached Western readers. Millions of words were written, in Europe and America, explaining the marvellous new powers that science had placed in men’s hands; describing the researches and experiments that had led up to this greatest of all disclosures of Nature’s secrets: discussing the problems for man’s future which the new weapon raised. Arguments waxed furious as to the ethics of the bomb: should the Japanese have received advance warning of America’s intention to use it. Should demonstration bomb have been exploded in the presence of enemy observers in some remote spot where it would do a minimum of damage, “a warning to the Japanese people, before its first serious use”. But to the feelings and reactions of the people of Hiroshima to the bomb, nothing or at least nothing that was not pure imagination, could be written; for nothing was known.
It was on August 6, 1945, the US dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The nuclear bomb exploded over the centre of the city, completely devastating it. The area within 1.2 miles of the hypo centre was entirely levelled and burned. The energy of the atom bomb consisted of heat rays, blast and radiation. Severe heat rays from the atom bomb reached people residing up to two miles away from the hypo centre. Citizens within 0.7 miles suffered fatal injuries to their internal organ and many were to die in the next few days. The force of the blast threw some people for several yards and caused buildings to collapse crushing their occupants. The radiation emitted from the atom bomb harmful to the human body. Its short-term effect was called acute disorders, illness that affected the victims a few hours to several months after exposure to excessive radiation. Typical symptoms included vomiting, diarrhoea, hair loss and reduced blood cell counts etc. In the long term, the radiation caused serious disease in them, such as blood cancer. Having experienced the atomic bombing and its suffering, Japan has a mission to convey the reality of the damage caused by nuclear weapons and speak out strongly against them ever being used again. At present, the people of Japan have enjoyed peace without having to experience war for over 60 years and there are few countries in the world that can say this.
Edu world also supports the idea and convey the message that “war is suffering”. Any forms of war not only have the capacity to kill masses of people, but they also emit hatred in the heart of people for another country and towards innocent people. As a educational institution we fosters and spread the message of international peace and security and develops civic consciousness in our students.